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Shutdown Nation

Webinar - Israel: From "a Startup Nation" to "a Shutdown Nation"

Where: Online (zoom) - RSVP to get the link

When: 7:00PM, September 12, 2024

How the genocide in Gaza is leading to the destruction of the zionist project

Join a conversation with Dr. Shir Hever, coordinator of the military embargo campaign for the Boycott National Committee (BNC) of the BDS movement.

Dr. Shir Hever will shine a light on the following questions:

  • How is the israeli genocide in Gaza impacting israel's economic, political and social infastructure?
  • What is the economic significance of the ICJ ruling from 19 July?
  • How are these legal decisions enforcing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions efforts?
  • Is israel risking self-destruction over abiding by its obligations under International Law?
  • What's the role of arms embargo campaign in enforcing ICJ rulings?
  • Are we seeing the beginning of the end of the Zionist project as we know it?