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Boycott Obela

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is a strategy to put pressure on israel to make it more difficult and unattractive for them to uphold apartheid, occupation and continue genocide and ethnic cleansing.

BDS campaigns address corporations and institutions that are directly complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights.

The BDS movement is led by Palestinians.

BDS is one of the easiest and most effective ways to take action for Palestine.


...involves withdrawing support from israel's apartheid regime, complicit israeli sporting, cultural and academic institutions, and from all israeli and international companies engaged in violations of Palestinian human rights.

It starts with your consumer choices

The BDS movement advocates for targeted consumer boycotts. They are focused on a few companies, including:

  • hp
  • Sodastream
  • Siemens
  • israeli goods, like dates.

If you want to completely avoid products that are linked to apartheid israel and its genocide in Palestine, apps like No Thanks and Boycat can help you.

These apps are not perfect, but you can upload products that aren't listed yet!

Divestment about getting banks, local councils, superannuation funds, and universities to withdraw investments from the State of israel and all israeli and international companies that sustain israeli apartheid.

For example, good resources to find out which superannuation funds are still complicit with their investments are:


...are about pressure on governments to fulfil their legal obligations to end israeli apartheid, and not aid or assist its maintenance, by banning business with illegal israeli settlements, ending military trade and freetrade agreements, as well as suspending israel's membership in international forums such as UN bodies, the Olympics, FIFA, and Eurovision.

More info

To read more about BDS in a national and global context, have a look at APAN's BDS toolkit and the BDS Australia website.

Local BDS campaigns

Do you condemn this hummus?

Obela supports israeli war crimes

Obela and its sub-brands Red Rock Deli dips and Copperpot are co-owned by the Strauss Group and PepsiCo. The Strauss Group is an israeli company that supports the israeli military, specifically the Golani and Givati Brigades. It gives them funding and care packages.

These groups have committed severe human rights abuses in Lebanon and Palestine. The Galoni and Givati Brigades are also part of the current attack on Gaza.

Don't believe the lies

Brands like Tahini Neri and Olive Branch are actively taking part in the erasure and appropriation of Palestinian culture. By claiming that it is 'authentic', based on a 'traditional Israeli' recipe, they are feeding into this false narrative.

Does your hummus support genocide and apartheid?

If it is 'israeli' hummus it does.

The word 'hummus' comes from Arabic and the dish has been consumed in Arabic cultures for centuries. It has existed long before the settler colony of israel.

The appropriation of hummus as 'israeli' has been used as a tool to entrench the colonial state of israel and erase the cultural identity of the indigenous Palestinian people.

What can you do?

Choose apartheid and genocide free hummus! There are so many brands available - and of course, you can always make it yourself 😊

Tell your local supermarket to stop selling these complicit brands.

Join the BDS movement and boycott other products and brands that support the apartheid and genocide!

We have used sources for all information related to this hummus campaign.

CBG Systems

Local Tassie company CBG Systems has partnered with the israeli arms company Elbit Systems on the redback IFV project. Ask CBG Systems Managing Director Javier Herbon to sever the partnership with Elbit. Add your own flair, but keep it diplomatic!

Elbit systems

Elbit systems are the primary weapons manufacturer for the IOF, the military that the International Court of Justice says is “plausibly” committing genocide right now in Gaza. Elbit is implicated in their crimes against humanity by supplying israel with the weapons to commit these atrocities, including weapons that are capable of using white phosphorus, which israel has used on the civilian population of Gaza. And CBG, based right here in Nipaluna/Hobart, is partnered with them.

Managing Director Javier Herbon refused to meet with us and take our letter, so we slipped it under the door. We need your help to continue to flood his emails.